
Corte Francigena

Private residenceCastelnuovo dell'Abate
Corte Francigena

Residenza turistica

Corte Francigena is a residential complex located in Castelnuovo dell’Abate, a small hamlet a short distance from Montalcino, in Val d’Orcia. Inspired by the beauty of the surrounding nature, among the most picturesque in the whole of Tuscany, we have decided to recreate these feelings through the design and furnishings of the flats, so that guests may experience a sense of well-being and pure joy of living.

Ispirati dalla bellezza della natura circostante, tra le più suggestive dell’intera Toscana, abbiamo deciso di ricreare queste sensazioni attraverso il design e l’arredamento degli appartamenti, affinché gli ospiti possano provare un senso di benessere e di pura gioia di vivere.

The project has been conceived to offer an extraordinary panoramic view, aiming to ensure the best tourist experience also thanks to the presence of the swimming pool.

Nature inspires the design

The residential complex consists of 27 flats, including fully furnished studios, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units, with private access and parking space. Each piece of furniture is selected for its excellent quality and craftsmanship, representing the best of Italian tradition.

Ogni pezzo d’arredo è selezionato per la sua eccellente qualità e l’artigianalità che rappresenta il meglio della tradizione italiana.